You can say I’m a regular video browsers at YouTube and I can’t help but noticing from all the comments that I’ve read. People will kept on asking on how to rip audio from the flv videos. And no one even bother or know how to answer that question.

Most people love music videos and especially from their favorite artists. Would it be great to have an audio version of that video. Some music videos differs from their current release track and some version of the music are limited or not for sale.





Here’s a great and easy tip from me. I accidentally discovered it recently. I’ll teach yer all how to rip audio from your favorite flv video.

1. Get UltraGet Video Downloader to make it easy to download your flv video from YouTube. Save the video to your local drives.

2. Download AoA Audio Extractor to rip the audio from your videos and save to *WAV / *MP3 / *AC3 format.

There is no step 3. All you need are those 2 softwares only. Download the flv using UltraGet Video Downloader and use AoA Audio Extractor to rip your audio.

That’s it. Easy isn’t it. Didn’t I told you it was easy.

*Still don’t know what to do?. Comment or contact me.

Both softwares are free and you can get it here:

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