
  Opera GX | Gaming Browser | OperaOpera GX is a special version of the Opera browser built specifically to complement gaming. The browser includes unique features to help you get the most out of both gaming and browsing.

In the latest version of Chrome 45, Google is finally attempting to rectify the memory hog issue and make the browser more efficient to use across a wide range of devices. Expect faster page loads, smoother scrolling, and longer battery life, according to Google. Google also wants to make opening […]

Sadly, we’re retiring Screenr on November 11, 2015. As you might already know, Screenr’s recording capability is based on Java RE (Runtime Environment), which is rapidly becoming antiquated. For example, Google Chrome doesn’t support Java RE anymore. So Screenr can’t run there. And on other browsers, Java support is also […]

Minimal, flat UI for Photoshop for designing a chat app. It has been designed with messaging and chat applications in mind and features a conversation window with contacts list and file transfer interface elements. All of the elements are vector and can easily be scaled. Designed by Tony Thomas | […]

WordPress has a built-in function to display relative time in a human-readable format just like Facebook. For example, instead of your posts displaying, “Posted on January 01 at 00.00am,” you could display, “Posted 3 hours ago.” I’ll show you how to update your theme to take advantage of the human […]

Google Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web. You press on your computer with one thing in mind, that is getting online quickly. […]

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.