
Have you tried setting up online bookings on your website? Aargh!!!… talk about a headache! Luckily, Appointments WordPress plugin is a cinch to set up and it’s free too! Appointments WordPress plugin – available to download for free from WordPress.org – is perfect for any individual, business or group that […]

In the latest version of Chrome 45, Google is finally attempting to rectify the memory hog issue and make the browser more efficient to use across a wide range of devices. Expect faster page loads, smoother scrolling, and longer battery life, according to Google. Google also wants to make opening […]

Sadly, we’re retiring Screenr on November 11, 2015. As you might already know, Screenr’s recording capability is based on Java RE (Runtime Environment), which is rapidly becoming antiquated. For example, Google Chrome doesn’t support Java RE anymore. So Screenr can’t run there. And on other browsers, Java support is also […]

Some users may have an issue with their WordPress where they can’t upload any images and the images in the media library were broken. This is an error that can come from a users with file permissions. In this video, we will show you how to fix the image upload […]

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