My sis mail this to me today ( September 27, 2007 ). You got to hear this music. It’s really cracks me up. Funny and nice too. https://den-i.com/audio/tone.mp3 Twinkle-twinkle little star (Punjabi remix) from Hindi movie “Laghe Raho Munna Bhai”. Did some digging on the internet found that a lot […]

Email Marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits! The foundation for […]

Have acne on your face?. What kind of acne cream people who is suffering from Acne use?. Maybe OXY10 or ProActive. NOT. Dig this. Try condom lubricant instead. Apply it on your face. And this is the kind of cure it is unheard of. It seems to be working among […]

How long you’ve been punching in those keywords search in your internet browser(s) search box?. Even for me, I can’t remember how many searches I’ve made. Think of the first person who have their hands first laid on Google Search engine way back in 1997. That’s a lot of searching, […]