The “Get Windows 10” App Doesn’t Appear in Windows 7 or 8.1

If you have Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 but aren’t seeing the icon, this article will help you find out why, and if you can get the app.

First verify that you have IE11 installed? If not then download and install IE11:

1) Verify that KB3035583 and KB2952664 or for Windows 8.1 KB3035583 and KB2976978 are installed.

Open Windows Update as follows:

Windows 7: Click on ‘Start’ / Control Panel / Windows Updates and in the bottom left corner click on the ‘Installed Updates’ link.

Windows 8.1: Right click on ‘Start’ / Control Panel / Windows Updates and in the bottom left corner click on the ‘Installed Updates’ link.

In the upper right corner there is a ‘Search Installed Update’ box. Enter the appropriate pair of KB numbers (one at a time) for your version of Windows. Example: KB3035583

Note: If these updates were installed within the last week continue on to step #2, otherwise un-install both updates and re-install them and then continue to step #2.

2) Open Windows ‘Task Scheduler’ (Start / Computer / Manage) and navigate to:

Computer Management / System Tools / Task Scheduler / Task Scheduler Library / Microsoft / Windows / Application Experience

3) Right click on ‘Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser’ and select the ‘Run’ option. You may need to wait anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes or more for the task to complete and return to the ‘Ready’ Status. Press the F5 key to refresh the ‘Status’ about every 10 minutes.

4) Open Windows Explorer (File Explorer in Windows 8.1) and navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\GWX folder. Right click on the GWX.exe file and select the ‘Run as administrator’ option. Click ‘Yes’ when prompted.

5) Let the computer idle, keep your laptop connected to AC power and about 1 hour (take a good movie break), more if you have a slower computer (about 2 hours to play it safe) and if the GWX icon is still not displayed, shut you device totally down (do not hibernate or go into Sleep mode) for the night.

6) The next day power on the computer and wait about 30 minutes, the GWX icon should now be visible.

7) Click on the GWX icon in the taskbar and view the 6 slide presentation. You’re now ready to immediately make your reservation or wait a while as it’s a free upgrade for a year starting on July 29th, 2015

Author: J W Stuart

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