
I found this css trick when previewing the default WordPress theme namely ‘Twenty-Thirteen’. The sliding effects can be applied on any web base form. I only tested it with <input> tag but I don’t know if also going to work with <textarea> tag. You can add it to your search […]

Loviv (formerly known as Favwork) is the place for designers to show off their work. To start using Loviv you don’t need to register. Just sign in with your twitter account and your profile will be generated automatically. Your profile is your portfolio on Loviv. There is no limit to the number […]

Establish yourself as a trusted expert. People search online for information and will look to you, as a subject matter expert, to provide it to them. Every week (or whatever schedule works) provides an opportunity to build on this, while reinforcing your brand. Build a relationship with the people on […]

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.