Here’s a few suggestions on how to speed up WordPress blog. Choose A Good Hosting While starting out, a shared hosting might seem like a bargain and good idea at the time but it comes at another price,  incredibly slow site speed and frequent down time during high traffic periods. If […]

WordPress has a built-in function to display relative time in a human-readable format just like Facebook. For example, instead of your posts displaying, “Posted on January 01 at 00.00am,” you could display, “Posted 3 hours ago.” I’ll show you how to update your theme to take advantage of the human […]

I found this css trick when previewing the default WordPress theme namely ‘Twenty-Thirteen’. The sliding effects can be applied on any web base form. I only tested it with <input> tag but I don’t know if also going to work with <textarea> tag. You can add it to your search […]