Cras sit amet libero eros, in ultricies lorem. Nunc et odio neque. Maecenas vehicula interdum hendrerit. Integer hendrerit orci ullamcorper neque pellentesque feugiat. Aliquam magna metus, fringilla non ultrices id, fringilla eu erat. Phasellus lorem tortor, porttitor volutpat iaculis sed, condimentum ultricies massa. Curabitur ut malesuada elit. Nullam tortor mi, […]

Aftermarket CPU heatsink always been the favorite among overclockers and DIY builders nowadays which offers better cooling options than Intel stock cooler. We’ve seen the ones with built-in lighting, heatsink and fan with various colors to match the casing colors. Thermaltake breaking away from the standard and added a creative […]

As the title implies, plenty of you out there are still using a computer with an AGP. Applications, graphics, OS and games nowadays thirsts for more processing power and memory size. You wanted to upgrade the card but your wallet just isn’t up for it. Upgrading to PCIE card means […]