Cool. 8). I got a ping back from another blog.
This an update on post titled “Problem solving your Math equations?“.
To show my gratitude for adding that post, I should return the favor by linking back to that blog.
I didn’t know it first but the comment given by that blogger got caught by my Akismet spam blocker. It doesn’t look like a spam or anything suspicious so I took a peek at that blog. That comment actually a ping back to his/her blog.
A little preview about the blog I’m talking about.
That blog is called “Latex Resources“. LaTex Resources ( click link to visit ) is a discussion blog for people who are into anything that is MATHEMATICS from ordinary Math equations to Mathematical softwares. Whether you’re a scholar, an educator, mathematician, engineer, etc; it’s a very good site to visit. I found it to be one useful and educational blog.